Okay. So I have nothing against people who are colorblind. I feel bad that they can't see colors and all that, and I'd hate to be colorblind myself. That being said, I think colorblind people should reconsider their attempts at design in general. Unless of course they're making clothes for other colorblind people, like these ones here.
Why look like you're wearing a fashionable dress that cost $158 when you COULD look like you put on a smock/oversized tank top and were attacked by a classroom of kindergardeners with fingerpaints?Alright, they've upped their effort on this one. Instead of using all the colors, they're just using one. If it weren't for that weird orange piping at the bottom of this shirt, I would have looked right over it. But... Alas. That pumpkin red/orange... Hem? Should we call it a hem? it looks more like they forgot to hem it and patched it up with some colorful duct tape (it does come in that amazing, florescent color, by the way.) For a mere $128 dollars no less!
And for the colorblind who simply decide to play it safe and not use any color at all; the Bubble Miniskirt. At $178 dollars I have to ask myself, wouldn't a lampshade be cheaper? And, sadly, somewhat more fashionable than this... thing?
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